Mayari Nightwear 🌝

A month ago, Bianca and I picked 22.02.2022 as our launch date for the simple reason that it looked nice (because kaartehan is forever life lol). Found out over the weekend that it’s a “mirror date” - a great karmic day. Any thought or action you send out, The Universe will mirror and send back to you tenfold. It seems fated that we ended up launching our baby today. Mayari Nightwear is a celebration of everything that we love and what a perfect time to send this out to the world.

It’s been 4 years since this idea sprouted (with a 2-year delay to our original launch date) and yet, I’m still just as obsessed now as when we first saw the initial studies of our logo and sketches for the print. I’m deeply proud of what Bianca and I have created. I couldn’t have dreamed of a more opportune moment to share this with the world. Life has a funny way of always working out in the end, if only you have the faith to see things through.

Here’s to trusting our timing, fulfilling (day)dreams, living in abundance, and loving life. xx


This is the baby I was alluding to in my Guangzhou post. 🙊